Plan your projects with the elegance
of a sloth on a sunny day.

Vikunja, the fluffy, open-source, self-hostable to-do app.

Made and hosted in the EU.

Use the open-source version on your own server

Get Started

Don't have a server or don't want to deal with it?

Meet Vikunja Cloud
Overview dashboard showing recently viewed projects and current tasks with due dates and labels. Task management interface showing a list view with various task details and options. Gantt view of task management system displaying tasks across June and July 2023. Table view of tasks with sortable columns for task details and status. Kanban board view of tasks organized into Backlog, Doing, and Done columns. Detailed task view with description, attached image of llamas, and task management options. Command search interface overlay for quick task and project management. Kanban board view of tasks overlaid on an aerial forest image background. Detailed task view in dark mode with description, attached image of llamas, and task management options.

Stay organized

Organize all of your tasks in projects. Create subprojects organize everything hierarchical and keep related stuff grouped together.

Collaborate with peers

Vikunja lets you easily share a project with another user or a whole team! You can also assign tasks to people so everybody knows who's working on what.

Use it how you need it

You can show your tasks in the classic list view - each task underneath each other. Or you can use the Gantt view to get a time overview. Or Table view to show all details you need. Or Kanban if you want that birds-eye view of the status of all current tasks.

Getting more organized is hard
I built Vikunja because there was no good Open-Source Tool to do what I wanted. Privacy is important. For me, you should be able to look at the code of a piece of software you use a lot. Especially if it is something like a to-do app you use daily.
Vikunja Cloud is the best way for me to make sure the project can continue to live on and be self-sustainable. Being completely bootstrapped, the users of the software are the top priority and not some VC.

Founder of Vikunja

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